Title Insurance

Title Insurance

Thorough searches of public records take place for every property, but the closing process is not complete until title insurance is in place to protect and insure ownership rights to the property.

A new home is often the largest financial transaction made in a person's life and a one-time payment on this policy provides protection from issues that could be uncovered in the future. That's some peace of mind! 

Title Search

In order to ensure a buyer is the rightful property owner, a thorough examination of property records is completed during a title search to guarantee the validity of a title.

Title Insurance

If a title is found to be valid, title insurance policies ensure protection for parties against claims or legal fees that may arise over ownership disputes.

Closing Process

You may interact with agents multiple times throughout the process, from escrow account maintenance, to document preparation and signatures – agents are there for your needs.

Title Order Request

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